
May 2017

Traditionally, the mooring boat regatta took place for the harbor birthday - already for the tenth time. Small and big, old and new mooring boats delivered an impressive race in front of the landing bridges and inspired the spectators. H.S.H. Festmachergesellschaft sent three boats into the race, occupied with a lot of newcomers for the Hamburg harbor.

Festmacherbootrennen zum Hamburger Hafengeburtstag

Splashing spray at the mooring boat regatta on the 828th Hamburg harbor birthday.

Splashing spray at the Festmacherbootrennen

January 2017

In order to strengthen further business development, Mr. Ronald Versemann will support the distribution of H.S.H. Festmacher­gesellschaft mbH from the beginning of 2017.
Since 2008, Ronald Versemann has worked with his company "Ronald Versemann e.K." as a project developer in the port industry as well as a service provider for data recording in ship reporting.

February 2016

Naming ceremony of the new mooring boat "Lütt Deern" accompanied by shanties of the HHLA shanty choir and with 130 guests from Hamburg maritime industry. "Lütt Deern" – built by the Hamburg shipyard Behrens – sets new standards in environmental protection. In addition to the main application mooring it can be even used at water construction sites.

H.S.H. Festmacherboot Lütt Deern bei der Schiffstaufe im Februar 2016

October 2014

Relocation of the corporate headquarters to the Hafencity/Hamburg

April 2012

Launching of two newly built mooring and working boats (Antonia and Mathilda) for the Port of Hamburg. Application area in addition to mooring are also water sites.

July 2009

The tug MOIN is charterd out to Chevron for 3 to 6 years. MOIN will be used for an offshore field in Australia.

June 2009

Displacement of a mobil crane in the port of hamburg

The company H.S.H. Schleppgesellschaft displaced for the buss group a mobil crane model Liebherr LHM 400 with a gross weight from 420 to inside the port of hamburg. The mobil crane was transported with the new port tug „MOIN“ and a pontoon in one piece including boom, extentions and all weights. For attachment on the wharfage the floating crane ENAK from Bugsier was chartert. The approval was done by the engineering office Fechner.

The diplacement was realised within the time stated and without any damage to the complete satisfaction of the customer. Beside the transport the H.S.H. Schleppgesellschaft was providing the whole engineering for this project.

Umsetzung des BUSS Hafenmobilkrans

January 2009

Delivery and commission of the first tug

On the 23.01.2009 the first tug was delivered to our company. After transfer to Hamburg the tug with the name „MOIN“ (typical slogan for hamburg) startet his service on Monday, 26.01.09 with his first job going Kiel and retour.

The tug has an operating permit SUK (Ship Licensing Commission) zone I-IV, SeeBG 20 miles coast and GL worldwide coast and is licensed for 24h operation.

It has a bollard pull of 15 to BP and engine output of 1,200 hp. Port of registry for „MOIN“ is hamburg.

December 2008

The first tug was launched on the 17.12.08 at the Gebrüder Friedrich Werft in Kiel. The finishings are completed and now the initial startup and the class certifikation will follow. The final delivery will be in january 2009.

Schlepper Stapellauf

The company H.S.H. Hafen Service Hamburg GmbH is affiliated in the "Environment-partnership Hamburg".

Umweltpartnerschaft Hamburg

The first tug had been given over in Gdynia and is now for the final stage of extension in Kiel/Gebr. Friedrich shipyard.

Schlepper Neubaukasko

Another effective hatch cleaning to grain standard of a 55tdw Bulker with strong carbon - and cement-pollution - complete cleaning in 3,5 days by the use of modern technology.

21. May 2008:

Official keel laying of the first tug in Gdynia, Poland.

Februrary 2008

Hatch cleaning to grain standard on the MV 'CCNI Atacama', an 8-hatch ship which has been operating as multi-purpose ship in recent years. Together with containers, the ship has also loaded copper concentrate as bulk cargo and copper cathodes as piece goods. The cleaning services were carried out as part of a change in charter.

Operations started successfully on 4 January 2008

with mooring the MV 'XIN Beijing', a 108,000 TDW container ship of the China Shipping Line at Eurogate/ Predöhl 1.

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